With 16 different classes of Ally, each with different bonuses, you can boost your health, attack, defense, income, fame, active range and so much more by tracking down and recruiting the right companions. Allies are found in Taverns throughout the land.
It’s all about having the right tools for the job. Physical and Magical Weapons are found in Blacksmiths and Magic Shops as well as booty for killing monsters, completing dungeons and ridding the land of other evils.
It’s not just about killing monsters, it’s about looking good while you do it! Hundreds of different pieces of armor are scattered throughout the land. Collect a whole set for an additional bonus.
The creator of Real Fantasy couldn't find a great role playing game that took advantage of the amazing mobile technology - so he created it! Incorporating the best elements of computer and console fantasy games with the unique gaming options available on mobile platforms, Real Fantasy is unlike anything else available.