
The world of Real Fantasy is massive. In fact, it’s built around a map of the entire planet! Millions of real locations are incorporated into the game to provide endless options for adventuring – which means you can play Real Fantasy in any city in any country in the world and interact with real-world locations and other players across the globe!


When playing, you have an “Active Zone” around your player showing your current location on the map and the immediate area around you with which you can interact. So as your location changes, so do your gaming options.


There’s also an option to “Hire Guide” from the Map Page which allows you to go immediately to the Capital City and visit a Blacksmith, Magic Shop, General Store, Tavern, Gambling Hall, School, Quarry, Dungeon or Tower.

Although you won’t find the rarest items in the Capital, it’s a good option when the locations near you don’t have what you’re looking for.


Items available for sale in the non-Capital City locations change often, so check back regularly.

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